How to Maximize Value from your Videos and Photos in Business | Chatting with Matt Glover


In this video, Jasper and Matt discuss the hidden value of video and photo content. They emphasise that a day of shooting can yield much more than just a few promotional videos or photos. Various uses for content are discussed, such as behind-the-scenes footage, website images, headshots, and blog content. They highlight the importance of planning and addressing different aspects of the business during the shoot.

Jasper and Matt also mention the value of injecting personality into the content and how it can increase interaction and build trust with customers. They discuss the confidence that can be gained from being in front of the camera and how it can lead to more authentic and enjoyable marketing. They give examples of clients who have successfully utilised their photos and videos for various purposes. They stress the importance of consistency and quality in posting content. They conclude by offering their services for professional video and photo content.

Click on the video below to watch the full conversation.

Jasper (00:00):

Hi there. I'm Jasper from Yellow Glove Productions here today with Matt Glover, my friendly photo friend. Hi there. I'm Jasper from Yellow Glove Productions here today with Matt Glover and we are going to be talking about why video and photo is more valuable than you think. So I think people have this perception that you have a day of shooting and all that you're going to get out of that is that two minute promo video or even those podcast videos or the album of photos when in reality you can do so much more. There's

Matt (00:36):

A lot of uses for the photos and videos aren't there. So the behind the scenes, for example, can be used to drip feed in the buildup to a campaign for example. And then there's also actually images used on the websites, which I try and make sure they're all really storytelling, so they're very, very strong. And then also there's bits like the headshots for example as well, which are introducing different parts of the business as well.

Jasper (01:01):

Yeah, so like you said there, you've got photos. Say we talk about photos, a day of photos for example. They've got that behind the scenes content they can tease out online. People interact with that. They like seeing people in front of cameras. That's always nice. And

Matt (01:15):

Then I think this is where the planning's really, really important because if you talk about a little bit, plant some seeds in your client's minds when you come to the actual planning time before the shoot, you can address all of these things so that actually it's much bigger picture maybe than it seems like just going to be a selection images that are the business.

Jasper (01:31):

So going on from the behind the scenes stuff, you can post those headshots, you can use those as profile pictures on LinkedIn, things like that. But then also you can use those on your website for a meet the team photo. You can then use those photos as a post, meet the team post, putting out what you've said on your

Matt (01:52):

Website. And also lots of blog content as well. Lots of my clients, I see images kind of pop up because the image is essentially quite storytelling. Of course we make sure that we kind of plan for those so that all throughout the year there's different blogs that people can write about different aspects of the business.

Jasper (02:08):

I think people, not everyone, but people just often see it as that day of photos will give them something to post out for the next week when it's just not that The same image you can use over and over again in different ways can really, I can tell you how many ways to exhaust an image or a video,

Matt (02:27):

But I think what's really nice is that when you work with a client regularly, I always say after the first shoot and you're looking for different content things, always note down what gaps you've got missing so that when you next come to shoot it means that actually you've literally got a list of things that you want. And then actually you start to just instinctively know which areas of the business and what stories you want to tell. That's how I find it works. So people then start to think almost like us when we are doing our planning and stuff and then our clients think like that as well. So it's seeing the bigger picture, which I think is really,

Jasper (02:55):

Yeah, and I think that again is sort of a hidden value of these days of photo and video because it's like you bring a different perspective into your business to look at it. You post that out online and then people may say, oh, we want to see more behind the scenes of the process of how you make that. Or we want see more people if you are just posting out products. Yeah,

Matt (03:20):

Well it comes back to a bit of like no and trust doesn't it really? So you're not just seeing a polished end version, you're also seeing the process a bit and how people have interacted and to actually produce the content, which I think some of the behind the scenes stuff is actually much more telling about what a brand really is all about.

Jasper (03:36):

Yeah, definitely. And we've worked with businesses where they're a lot more product based, but as soon as they start injecting their personalities into it, the value of that, they'll just see their interaction shoot up. And that's the most important thing, especially with marketing, just that interaction and it just shoots up as soon as they inject them into it rather than just saying, this is a before and after. And I think as well, again, just going back to this hidden value, because it's not just video, it's not just photos, the confidence that you can grow if you go on camera and in front of camera, the confidence that you get from that, you start to interact more online, you start to market yourself a bit better.

Matt (04:23):

Well, I think you start to become more confident in your own story about what your business is and what your values are and how you interact. And actually I think it becomes quite good fun because actually the anxiety goes away because you become more used to the story that you're telling and it's just more enjoyable. And I think people can see that they're enjoying working in their business more, which I would definitely interact more with businesses that seem happy and more authentic. Really

Jasper (04:44):

It becomes from that first day you do a video or a photo, I feel like that transformation really starts and you can become a more genuine business. You'll start out obviously,

Matt (04:56):

But it's part of the relationship that you build with clients, isn't it really? But of course you're kind of helping them build the relationship almost with themselves really. They really, which I think is really

Jasper (05:06):

Beautiful. It almost becomes quite, almost borderline therapeutic, doesn't it, with these issues. It's

Matt (05:12):

When you're asking questions about what your brand values are and you start to understand more about how you interact, why you interact, actually it builds confidence and then you more confident you are the easier it is to show what it's that you're offering. And then I just find it's much more fun then.

Jasper (05:28):

Yeah, I think I've had it where I've sent over a script guide or something like that. It's like, list some achievements or tell me what you stand for in your business. And sometimes people are like, oh, I'm going to have a week to think about this. You worried that you've sent them into some sort of spiral. It's

Matt (05:44):

A bit like coaching though, but I've had quite a bit of business coaching. So I, the things that people have asked me and have helped me to understand my brand, I can then reflect back on my clients and help them kind of figure out that out because it's much more fun when you know what you're doing.

Jasper (05:57):

So in your experience with photography clients, can you off the top of your head, think of someone that's got really the most out of photos from you? It's sort of a shining example of that.

Matt (06:08):

Yeah, Karen Edwards is an event professional. She uses our storytelling images that we photographed together for quite regular blog content. So that kind of works. That just works really well because obviously the images that we photograph just work really nicely with the stories that she's actually talking about. So have you got any good examples, Jasper?

Jasper (06:27):

Yeah, well, funny you say that. I do. I do have good example. Very good example. In fact, we actually filmed and photographed a boxing night, a charity boxing night, and they had the actual boxing rounds filmed. So that was one element of the video. They had a promo filmed, but out of that was a promo for boxers who wanted to do charity fights for the next one, and then one for people who wanted to buy tickets as a guest out of that. Also, they had a raw footage timeline, which was just all the footage that we called down. And they've been posting that out very consistently leading up to the next event. And the interaction they've got between posting that the photos, the full rounds of boxing

Matt (07:14):

Came back to regular

Jasper (07:16):

Consistent, starting from just posting behind the scenes on their phone of the training, the social media interaction has just exploded because everyone who's at that event and everyone who's signing up for future offenses is interacting with that in a great way because it's video content and everyone's just enjoying seeing that on Instagram at the moment as opposed to just stills as

Matt (07:39):

Well. Some good inspirational

Jasper (07:40):

Ideas. Yeah, so it is that thing. Again, that was one night. That wasn't even a whole day, it was one night and they're set for six months now just because they made that initial investment into how much videos they wanted and photos as well, and they've set out and done that. And between that guest photos behind the scenes, it's unreal. Unreal.

Matt (08:03):


Jasper (08:04):

Planning, that's it. Good planning and just posting it out as well. They're not being too precious about what they're posting out as long as it's related to the event and it makes sense or it's about the future event.

Matt (08:16):

I say it's consistent, isn't it, and to an equal quality,

Jasper (08:19):

That's it. And because we handled everything as well, there is that consistency there with the professional photos and video. And I think there's just so much value in, I always say again, the professionals in having that second opinion on things and just committing to that investment and it definitely pays off. That

Matt (08:41):

Sounds brilliant.

Jasper (08:43):

Brilliant. So thank you for watching. If you are in need of professional video or photo content, then do get in touch with myself or Matt here and we'd be happy to have a chat with you. Thank you for watching and we'll speak to you soon. Bye for now.