Event Videography for an Awards Night at the King Power Stadium, Leicester | Demolition and Asbestos Awards 2022

The Project

We were given the task of capturing the 2022 Demolition and Asbestos Awards, a huge yearly celebration of the Demolition and Asbestos Industry. The awards highlighted those people who make great change and achievements through their work within Demolition and Asbestos removal.

For the video, we needed to represent all of the all important winners, show the positive atmosphere, the networking, the auction, the entertainment and the after party! By capturing all these elements we can represent the kind of evening that will be going ahead next year and encourage new and returning nominees  to get booked in.

How we filmed it

Due to the size of the event and the set up involved we had two camera operators on the ground. That meant during the set up from the networking space to the awards room one of us could continue filming and not worry about losing coverage. 

I would always recommend having two videographers at a live event, especially one of this scale; for exactly the reasons just mentioned. From experience, I have found that not only the quantity but also the quality of coverage is increased as knowing there is someone else to film alongside you, a certain pressure to fill the SD is taken off and therefore you can focus on getting well composed sequenced shots without rushing to the next thing. 

Two videographers also means the chance for  two controlled angles on stage, which was exactly what we had for this gig! Two angles allowed us to seamlessly cut and keep the video engaging through seconds being saved on cuts. We did also bring a third camera with us to get audience reactions and walk ons, which is always a nice addition to any live event video. 

In the edit the idea was to keep everything upbeat and positive to recreate the party atmosphere on the night. Then once the video got to the Hall of Fame section then to give more of an reflective feel using a suitable track. The video covered all of the winner and stayed engaging by using B-roll footage of reactions, networking and details. 

To round things off…

We had a blast! I think that may be a demolition joke there.

A big thank you to Demolition Hub for having us!

I did have a realisation as to just how powerful awards nights are as a marketing tool. These events and videos go hand in hand, they are a brilliant for companies who go beyond just the one night and act as a media outlet for their industry. So it makes sense to have a great video on a night where all the important people in your industry are! It not only markets the event well, but also that company or individual has the video evidence to show how good they are!


Venue: King Power Stadium
Photography: David Kennedy FRSA AoU
AV: Hybrid AV
Entertainment: Graham Jolley